A group of Jewish and Latter-day Saint academics met for a series of dialogue events in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

Dr. Jacob Rennaker, Director and Scholar in Residence for the John A. Widtsoe Foundation, was fortunate enough to participate.
While this group has been meeting regularly in Los Angeles and Utah for the past few years to discuss the similarities and differences between Jewish and Latter-day Saint thought, scripture, and practice, this was the first time that a meeting of such individuals has happened in the Holy Land.
To commemorate such a significant event, Latter-day Saint apostle Elder Quentin L. Cook and the Chief Rabbi of Norway, Rabbi Melchior, spoke together at Brigham Young University’s Jerusalem Center. Media outlets such as the Church News and Loyola Marymount’s Bellarmine News reported on these events. You can read those articles Here and Here.
Elder Cook message centered on the crucial need for Latter-day Saints to “listen and learn” from their Jewish neighbors. To read a full transcript of this important talk, click Here.