The Foundation, in association with the USC Office of Religious Life and the Temple Studies Academy is proud to announce the global Conference on Temples, Sacred Spaces and Sacred Clothing on November 10th and 11th of this year.
This is an American-based initiative based on the pioneering work of Dr. Margaret Barker and other scholars who have met annually over the last decade at the Temple Church in London. Their work strives to apply temple studies to biblical texts. The Widtsoe Foundation will make it possible for a wide array of scholars and students to participate in the Academy’s annual Temple Studies Symposium, and also to expand the reach of the Academy’s main proceedings by hosting them at the University of Southern California and broadcasting them live on the Internet.
This will be a two-day conference. Day One will be the academic session with scholars from across the globe already committed to present. Day Two will focus on the practitioners of religious life presenting their perspectives on the importance of sacred spaces in which to teach, organize and provide service to their followers and the community. Additionally, a set of common principles and goals will be set to serve the communities of Southern California.
Specific emphasis will be placed on assembling the broadest set of senior scholars and religious leaders representing the many religious sects interested in sharing their experiences and learning from one another the importance that each places on their specific temple/ mosque/ synagogue and the vestments that accompany their uses and observances.
The Conference will be open to the public, who will have the opportunity to interact with the participants and clergy.