On April 18 and 19, the John A. Widtsoe Foundation hosted President Matthew S. Holland of Utah Valley University (UVU), and President Elaine S. Dalton, former General Young Women President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and current Chair of the Board of Trustees at UVU.
After spending the day visiting with scholars at USC, Presidents Holland and Dalton addressed young single adults (YSAs) from the Los Angeles area at a special Family Home Evening fireside held at the Los Angeles Temple Visitors’ Center. President Dalton gave a moving talk entitled “Come Let Us Go Up to the Mountain of the Lord’s House”. Afterwards, Holland spoke on “Civic Charity in the Age of Diversity,” comparing aspects of President Abraham Lincoln’s life with the life of Jesus Christ. Both Dalton and Holland visited with long lines of YSAs waiting to speak with them after the fireside.
The following day, they were guest lecturers at a leadership class at the Marshall School of Business at USC. That evening, they attended a private dinner hosted at the home of Ron and Joyce Hanson in Laguna Beach, where Presidents Holland and Dalton spoke to a group of 50 friends of the Foundation.